Dr Hoeh Collection


Dr Hoeh Collection
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Hoeh 1969                                    Hoeh c.2001


This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr Herman L Hoeh, in accordance with Rom. 12:10; 13:7; Heb 13:7; Luke 10:16; IITim 2:1-2.


My conversations with him and his support are fondly remembered. His legacy continues in the hearts and minds

of believers who will not allow the flickering flame of truth to be extinguished. So help us God.

Articles, Sermons, Bible Studies



Compendium of World History & related information
An Evening in Dr Hoeh's Home, Portfolio, 16 Jan 1967  
The surviving handwritten notes which would have formed part of the revised Compendium. Unfortunately, that is all that I have of his notes
The handwritten notes re-typed and formatted  
Letters and list of articles demonstrating his changed perspective on history and chronology as well as The Compendium of World History He eschewed much or most of the Compendium, especially volume one
Audios explaining his changed positions  
Was there ever a volume 3 of The Compendium of World History? Very unlikely. Instead, he was working on a completely updated version
Compendium of World History (vol. 2) NB: it is unnecessary to upload vol. 1 due to its obsolescence
Additions and corrections to volume 1 (c.1970) Nevertheless, even these were later rejected
Items demonstrating his changes to the Compendium and chronology  
Phone conversation with Raymond F McNair concerning chronology  
Letters to Kenneth Herrmann and others Concerning the pre-Adamic world etc
Pre-Adamic World  
Other writings, research and information
First 3828 Years Written 9 October 1998
Sabbatical and Jubilee Years Written 9 October 1998
Rare writings and papers  
Tribes of Israel Several articles on the subject
Miscellaneous items  
Wilbur Church of God Member logbook Given to him on a visit to the Church of God in Salem, West Virginia
Articles in WCG publications  
Ambassador College History Classes outlines/handouts From the late 1960s. Some are obsolete
Isabell Hoeh's articles Articles by his wife
Louis Talbot Dr Hoeh followed Talbot in the 1940s
Articles World Peace and the Satanic Syndrome and Two Great Founders of World Religion (see note below**)
History books from his library
Books from the Hoeh library that were sold via Bonham's  
Books auctioned at Bonham's - another list view  
Archives Bookstore he frequented (the bookstore relocated around 2015) The new bookstore is larger and much nicer :)
Sermons and lectures
Sermon Transcripts (100s) Project undertaken by Rommel Valencia. The first file is a combination of all the files. Or you can read them individually
Sermon Transcripts By various members
Sermons and Bible Studies (audios) Over 280 sermons and studies! The bulk of these came from Ronald Guizado's collection; many from Vic Kubik; other sources and my own collection. Most of these audios were unique to this website and offered here first for your enjoyment and education.
History of the Church of God (audios) MP3s
Videos of Dr Hoeh MP4s
Pre-Adamic world audio lectures MP3s
Dr Hoeh as remembered by others
Tributes* By many people who knew him
Herman L Hoeh: Salute to a Pioneer (by C White)
Letter to Herman L Hoeh (10 September 2003) and  Interactions with Dr Hoeh  
Raymond McNair remembers Dr Hoeh  
Herman L Hoeh Remembered (by R MacDonald)
Further information (by R MacDonald)
Funeral and Gravesite
Herman L Hoeh grave and cemetary map Died 21 November 2004, almost 19 years after HWA appointed a successor
Hoeh's grave details at Find a Grave site  
Directions to the grave Mountain View Cemetery and Mausoleum, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California
Funeral photographs  
Funeral photographs (PDF)
Photographs of the Memorial (PDF)
Isabell Flora Hoeh 1924-2007. Died 21 November 2007, exactly 3 years after her husband
Isabell Hoeh's grave details at Find a Grave site Pine Rest Cemetery, Foley, Baldwin County, Alabama

*Rand Martens remembers Dr Hoeh with these kind comments:

>I can say I knew and experienced Dr. Hoeh very differently than many who knew him did, because I remember him mostly as a tremendously wise and understanding man with incredible amounts of everyday practical common sense, as well as having the most astonishing spirit of service to his fellow man than I have ever witnessed in anyone else, before or since. 

If I can even halfway reach the levels that Dr. Hoeh attained to as a man, I should count myself fortunate beyonds words to express.  He was both an inspiration and a superb role model of what true greatness is. 

And frankly, I think probably half of what I learned of value during my years out in Pasadena, both as a student and as an employee, I learned from this humble, pure-hearted and childlike man of God.< (17 July 2023)


**While not believing in Bhuddism, Dr Hoeh sees some similarities, particularly in relation to how Satan is viewed in both religions. In regard to this, there are some few similarities between some Bible verses and some other religions and that is only to be expected. Including the concept of a 'golden age' at the dawn of man (which we would understand as the Garden of Eden) and even a world in upheavel in the last days of man, with a god intervening in world affairs.
So Satan has set up counterfeits with a little bit of truth thrown in to attract the innocent by weaving in a bit of historical knowledge with a few good bits here and there together with a huge amount of error. For instance, Taoism says something about treating strangers well. Confucianism teaches loyalty to country, having strong families and ensuring a good education for one's children. Buddha's mother's name was similar to Mary and he seemed to keep a sabbath etc, etc.
In the ancient Middle East the pagan religions had customs that were counterfeits to the feast days etc, etc. Let alone the great 'Christian' counterfeit since the first century. Dr Hoeh knew all this of course.
Finally, I researched the few parallels between Buddhism and the Bible many, many years ago and indeed, there are a number of books around on that these days. As well as the many false Christs that have existed as counterfeits to the true One. I began to type up a lengthy article on this back in 1995 or 1996 but never completed it - I hope to recommence that article soon, but will probably scale it back just so that I can get it out.
As HWA wrote near the end of his tremendous booklet on "Why were you born?": "Do you begin to comprehend why you were born? One religion believes that the final end result of human life is to be "nirvana" -- total extinction. How glorious is the TRUTH -- promising the very opposite extreme!" (that is how most, but not all, Buddhists view eternity!) See also http://www.answers.com/topic/nirvana
The warning is clear - Satan has his counterfeits.